What’s in Season in November? Planting and Produce This Month

The start of November follows the clocks going back. We all enjoy an extra hour in bed for that weekend, but this annual event reminds us that the evenings are becoming longer and darker.

As temperatures drop further and milder areas see their first frosts, November evokes memories of bonfire nights and hearty meals served with mash and seasonal veg. And of course, the countdown to the festivities of December well and truly begins this month.

In the garden, it’s time to start looking ahead to next spring. November is the month to plant tulip, daffodil and hyacinth bulbs. Outdoors, you can also plant garlic, shallots and onions at this time of year. Garden centres start to stock hellebores around this time, which help add some colour and interest to the garden over the winter months.

Read on for the best of seasonal eating and slow food this month.

What Produce is in Season in November?

The focus on hearty vegetables continues in November. Squash and pumpkin continue to be available, alongside artichoke, beetroot, cabbage, cauliflower, celeriac, celery, chicory, horseradish, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, parsnips, potatoes, shallots, swede, turnips and wild mushrooms.

Seasonal fruit is more limited in November in the UK and centres around apples, pears and quince.

Seasonal food list November

Slow Ideas for November

With darker evenings, November is a great time to get cosy at home and give a new craft a go, or try that recipe you’ve had bookmarked for ages. Here are a few ideas for slower activities in November:

  • Plant spring bulbs to enjoy next year
  • Forage for pinecones to use as seasonal decorations
  • Make or decorate your own reusable advent calendar
  • Research conscious consumerism and make a list of indie brands to support when Christmas shopping
  • Get up early and go for a walk on a crisp, frosty morning

More more inspiration on seasonal living this month, read our slow living activities in autumn guide, or our tips for a slow Christmas. You may also like our list of the best seasonal recipe books.

More seasonal inspiration: